Toasted Talents
Jul 30, 2024
I love facilitating workshops. The opportunity to share something of value aligns with my Belief. To design it in a way that is unique, creative and fun taps into my Connectedness. And to connect with my audience in a persuasive way that beats the clock engages the combination of my Strategic, Command and Achiever.
Like all things in life there can be too much of a good thing. I went to China years ago to speak to college students in seminars, workshops, coaching sessions, and classrooms. CoreClarity was such a hit that I was in demand for many speaking engagements. I was fully engaged and energized in all five of my Top 5 talents. After a full week of presentations concluded with a 14-hour day of solo workshops and back-to-back coaching I was tired, fried and decreasing in my effectiveness and looking forward to a two-day break.
After addressing my physical needs with some extra rest and healthy square meals I turned to recharging my overworked talents. Presenting in another culture with language barriers put a lot of pressure on all 5 of my top talents. The constant push and drive to connect with so many people had involved a lot of decisions and deliverables in a short amount of time. To rest my Achiever and Strategic I knew I needed non-activity.
My Command had been directing, teaching, and clarifying at a fast pace. So, when I chose to sign up for an afternoon of sightseeing it was perfect. No lists to make, problems to solve, or people to teach. A tour guide handled all the logistics, and I could relax and engage and experience Chinese landmarks and culture as much or as little as I liked. My Achiever, Strategic, and Command could rejuvenate.
Meanwhile, my remaining two talents that have a spiritual component needed a “sabbatical” as well. The excitement AND challenges of a new culture with fascinating customs and world views pushed my Connectedness to new heights while sometimes taxing the Kryptonite of my Belief. A book and podcast allowed me to take a mental retreat from the overuse of my Connectedness and rejuvenate some of my core values on family and faith. Finding a quiet place to read and listen to the podcast for a few hours was surprisingly a real joy for this non-reader, and as a Force of Nature it allowed me a reprieve from my week of overextending to use my Connect talents.
If you applied the Talent Temperature tool from last month and are dealing with talent overuse or straight up burnout, reach out to Karey for the IPP Fire Exercise.
You will see an example of how I processed my fried talent, Achiever, while I was in China. The exercise will walk you through some questions and processes to help you find your refresh button - just in time for the weekend.