Dealing With Different
Sep 26, 2024
In his 1971 hit song “Changes,” David Bowie sings that it is time to “turn and face the strange.” The song became an anthem of sorts for a youth culture facing the upheaval that was going on in world events at that time.
When change is anticipated we can ramp up our mental, emotional, and spiritual resources to better manage the differences. Things like a new school year, change of seasons, national elections, new jobs, retirement, children leaving the nest or parents needing elderly care. As a young dad expecting my first child I appreciated that a 9-month pregnancy gives you time to think about how life is going to be turned upside down.
Over our lifetime we become hard-wired to certain behaviors, thought patterns, and emotional responses. Much of that hard wiring ties into our talents. Understanding how talents can be affected or how they can react to shifts and overhauls in our environment can be not only insightful but helpful in adjusting to circumstances we are not used to.
In 2019 two clients approach me with a similar request. One was a divisional team that was going to be losing people who had been a part of the fabric of that group’s growth and culture. They wanted to know how they could quickly accommodate to the needs those losses would bring as well as assimilate their new team members. Another client was about to initiate a succession plan in their C-suite that would bring a plethora of new dynamics and expectations for the whole company. Those requests led us to making a short video series on Talents and Change which we released just in time for the start of the 2020 COVID pandemic.
The last four months of 2024 will be filled with new changes, choices, and challenges for all of us. To prep for that we will be sharing a video and reflection exercise from our Talents and Change library each month. This refresher will motivate you to revisit your talents and adapt to how they are doing facing the strange!