Good Warnings: New Resources!

coredrill library gains and drains inpowering people resources inpoweru talent library team program Jan 29, 2021
Yellow caution tape

In my youth I remember once reading the side of a pack of cigarettes that contained this caution:

WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health.

That warning has been validated significantly in my lifetime. What I find intriguing is that our culture often fixates on what not to do. We often see posts, memes, and even billboards that attempt to steer us away from harmful behaviors and habits. Avoid the negative and life will go better for you. But what if there were more signposts of the good things we could do that would lead to a positive outcome in our lives? 

Well, as a Force of Nature I’m all for starting new trends so here we go:

WARNING: The 50 years of research by Clifton Strengths has determined that the application of this blog may lead to greater productivity and fulfillment in your professional and personal life. 

We are offering some tried and true as well as brand new online resources to help you make 2021 a year of personal growth towards greatness. Here are our top seven tips to move beyond New Year’s resolutions into year-round rejuvenation:

Seven Steps For A Strong 2021

  1. Visit our website and download the Gains and Drains exercise to see if you are operating out of your Top 5. 
  2. Each month through June focus on turning a different talent of your Top 5 into more of a strength.
  3. Refresh your understanding of your Top 5 with our special (brand new!) InpowerU: Talent Intro.
  4. Dig deeper into your Top 5 with our InpowerU: Coaching Package
  5. Want something a bit more personalized? The InpowerU: Coaching+ Package includes a 1-hour 1-on-1 coaching session with Bert.
  6. Up your leadership game by signing up for our InpowerU: Leaders Course. Access to our CoreDrill & Talent Video Libraries are included in this for your reference & immediate application.
  7. Team leaders: in virtual environments, team building has never been more difficult nor critical. Let's build a team program to enhance your people’s camaraderie. 

A few final warnings and encouragements to curb some of your Kryptonite:

Achievers - No, you don’t have to do the whole list.

Responsibilities - You can do this just for you, no one else.

Learners - The library can be addictive so pace yourself.

Relators - Share these resources and what you learn and do with others…beyond your inner circle.


Happy 2021, folks!

Have fun and keep moving onward and upward!